This life changing billboard, known as “The MoltyFoam Billbed” is the brainchild of Master MoltyFoam, which carries not just the purpose of advertising the brand, but also providing a platform for a comfortable night’s sleep for the hardworking but homeless people.
Why Billbeds?
We at Molty Foam, realized that there are people who live away from home, with hard circumstances and harder lives. To give them some comfort by providing a good night’s sleep, is one small step in our pledge to make their lives a little easier, a little better.
What have we done so far?
In our mission to help spread ease and comfort to the people of Pakistan, we have successfully launched two projects.
- 1. BillBeds for Labourers
- 2. BillBeds in Hospitals
What you can do?
You can be an active part of our mission in making people’s lives easier. Each mattress you buy contributes towards putting up a Billbed helping someone in need get a good night’s sleep.